Aisling Dream Interpretation

Channeling Dreams



Today’s show is filled with dreams from channels. Each have the gift and each has an issue they need to overcome.   Dream: The Whale Some dreams are just so straight forward, and this is one of them. Kayla came into this life with a channeling gift but she doesn’t think she can convince anyone with her message.   Dream: Uniform and searching Olivia is looking to find herself. Her dream tells her she will succeed by working on issues around dad.   Dream: New job, red and white and thoughts of a lover Olivia is asked to have hope and confidence in her future. And again is shown that healing issues that inhibit her masculine energy will do the trick.   Dream: My Son’s Recording Jenny thinks her channeling is terrible but she is willing to give it another try.     Dream: Stolen Car Hannah’s higher-self shows her that she is following the wrong path by stealing her car in a dream. She’s asked instead to put her gifts on display and make a living from using them.   Dream: Talking to Goldie Hawn and putting an outfi