Aisling Dream Interpretation

Is My Therapy Working?



Did you know that your dreams show you when a therapy you’re doing is working? Well they do. Our first two dreams today, show this in action.   The rest of the dreams show what the dreamer needs to do to improve their gifts.   Dream: Taking the Man Down Jane is working with me to heal issues around her dad. This dream shows that the therapy is working.   Dream: Fish This dream also shows that Jane’s therapy is working. She is working on restoring balance to her masculine energy. From this dream we can see she has decided to rescue her masculine aspect, including a masculine energy gift.   Dream: The Golden Gate Bridge This dream shows that Jennifer is both a channel and a spiritual healer.   Dream: The Business Phone Jennifer is retired, but this dream shows she still has a channeling career ahead of her.   Dream: Dogs, Rain and a broken phone Vicki needs to heal negative family influences in order to improve her channeling.   Dream: Nicole Kidman Mary needs to drop her masculine energy approach to channeling