Harvest: Greg Laurie Audio

Why God Sent a Savior | A Christmas Day Devotion



Merry Christmas!  Today, we’re featuring today’s daily devotion from Pastor Greg Laurie for Saturday, December 25, 2021. We hope you have a blessed Christmas Day with friends and family.  --- I heard about a couple that was going out of town for the Christmas weekend. They packed their luggage, dropped off the dog at a friend’s house, and then loaded up their SUV. They pulled out of the driveway and were driving down the street when the woman suddenly turned to her husband and said, “We forgot the baby!” They had to go back and collect their child, whom they had left in the house. That’s what Christmas is like for many people. How easy it is to miss the whole point. We trim our trees, hang our lights, and attend endless events, but we forget about the Baby. Did Jesus come to this earth so that we could shop and spend too much money on Christmas presents? Of course not. He actually came with the express purpose of dying on a cross for our sins. He said that He came “to give his life as a ransom for many”