Real Talk With Rachael Podcast

#136: Use your Voice with Amie Stockstill



This week on Real Talk with Rachael I'm talking with speaking coach Amie Stockstill. Amie is a fun-loving Southern who is passionate about training women to communicate the Gospel with confidence and clarity through her organization Let’s Echo. Key Points from Our Conversation: There is not a calling that God gives us that doesn't involve using our voice. Despite our feeling, we know we're surrendered to what God is calling us to when we say yes even when we don't want to. Fear stops us from using our voice - fear that it won't work, that we'll be wrong, even fear that we're appointing ourselves. If you’re worried about stepping outside of submission, that is proof of your submission and surrender. If you’re wrestling with whether or not God has appointed you to something, first you have to wrestle with it with God. Take your time. If the vision multiplies, take it to the right people and have them partner with you. You can’t do the exterior things without doing the internal work that lays the foundation and