Aisling Dream Interpretation

Love disarms psychic attacks



Judee wrote, “Two shows ago, you started talking about the joy of Christmas and how that affects the world.  You promised you would talk about it in the following show.  But you didn't.  I would really love to hear your viewpoint on how joy at Christmas affects the world.  Is it too late to talk about it?”   Well, no it is not! Apologies for the oversight and I cover it at the top of today’s show.   I then interpret lots of dreams sent in by listeners.   Dream: Boyfriend in a bathtub Liz’s dream asks her to not hold back on positive changes, for people who should really be out of your life. Trust me, it will make more sense when you hear the dream and my analysis.   Dream: Presentation in New York City Maddy wonders what New York City means in a dream.   Dream: Travelling with Britney Spears Cammy is told that perceived responsibility is holding her back from being the free spirit and channel that she is.   Dream: Phone text message wakes me up Cammy is told to wake up to the fact that she is a channel and be