Harvest: Greg Laurie Audio

Never Say Never | Sunday Message



Our love for God and for others should motivate us to take the gospel everywhere. In this Sunday morning episode, Pastor Greg Laurie shows us how to put away prejudices and share the Good News widely in his message, “Never Say Never.”  Listen in for the latest message from the book of Acts! Notes Our marching orders are clear: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel, making disciples of all nations.” God can and will be found by the true seeker.  This was not about food but people, people that God happened to love. It’s time to stop dividing and start uniting. We too can be hard and angry toward people who have hurt us in life. Take the gospel message to the people who have mistreated you.  “Everything in life is preparation for something else.” —Pastor Chuck Smith  Because a man overcame his personal prejudice, revival came. Can you overcome yours?  Maybe certain things have happened to you that mystify you … remember, God is in control and the “steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lo