Flix And A Six

Episode 182: We need to Look Up exactly what a DuClaw is



The Basics Flick — Don't Look Up Six — DuClaw Funk Blueberry Citrus Hosts — Anthony Costanzo & Alessandro Biolsi Tweet-length ReviewsHilarious, totally just a joke, nothing serious…. I’m not crying you’re crying. 7/10 — AnthonyCutting satire that probably leans just a touch too heavily on snark and overt sarcasm at times. Its message is fairly universal, even if delivered in a sublimely absurd way. Unfortunately, it presents as a depressing thesis moreso than the rallying cry it so wants to be. 6.5/10 — AlBookmarks Six — 00:02:35 News & Nuggets — 00:18:36 What We’re Consuming — 01:03:36 Fun & Games — 01:31:33 Flick — 01:37:36