Hemp Barons

Hunter Buffington | Hemp Feed Coalition



Why Certificates of Analysis are critical to hemps future.Farmers can not take a risk on a crop with limited and uncertain demand.   Hunter Buffington the Executive Director at Hemp Feed Coalition joins Joy Beckerman to talk about their efforts to create markets for hemp.   She discusses the arduous process of gaining federal approval of hemp for animals and provides a document explaining the process (see attached links)   Produced by PodCONX https://hempfeedcoalition.org/https://podconx.com/guests/hunter-buffingtonhttps://f.hubspotusercontent30.net/hubfs/7751483/Why%20the%20HFc%20needs%20Cert%20slide.pnghttps://f.hubspotusercontent30.net/hubfs/7751483/Why%20the%20HFC%20needs%20Certificates%20of%20Analysis%20and%20how%20%20use%20them.-1.docx