Flix And A Six

Episode 183: We know what When in Doubt we can call The Eternals



The Basics Flick — The Eternals Six — Troegs When in Doubt Hosts — Anthony Costanzo & Alessandro Biolsi Tweet-length ReviewsEternals is like a course you need to take for your degree that’s only offered once every 4 years. It’s time sensitive and no one really seems to be interested in being there. It’s the MCUs Justice League. 5/10 — AnthonyIt's fine… it wants to have fun sometimes. It wants to be really serious sometimes. It can't quite figure out how and when and why though. 6/10 — AlBookmarks Six — 00:02:59 News & Nuggets — 00:21:57 What We’re Consuming — 01:11:55 Fun & Games — 01:48:03 Flick — 02:00:55