Nz Everyday Investor

Investing in Trust / Ep 189


Sinopsis (Trustees Executors) - a 140 year old institution that's in the business of trust. Trust is the foundation we all have to build on when investing. If it's shaky, the wealth you're building may still give you comfort later on, but with too much anxiety on the way there. My guests today? Ryan Bessemer is the CEO and Executive Director  Robert Sloan is the Chief Risk Officer and General Counsel DO YOU STILL NOT HAVE A WILL SORTED OUT? There are many ways you can sort this out either online or with your lawyer. If you like, you can make a start with Trustees Executors (here).  _____________________________________________________________ Congrats to the winner of the $50 KiwiSaver credit, care of kōura KiwiSaver! No matter which provider you're with, if you tune in live and like the live Facebook video we'll pick a random name this coming Wednesday to drop a $50 in there. Tune in, like them all - make your retirement even better,