Nz Everyday Investor

Breaking News / Central Bank Digital Currencies / Ep 185



The Reserve Bank of New Zealand is New Zealand's central bank. It was established in 1934, and although not a government department, has been wholly owned by the government of New Zealand since 1936. Like most central banks, the Reserve Bank is primarily a policy organisation, and exists to do three main things: formulate and implement monetary policy to maintain price stability and support maximum sustainable employment; promote the maintenance of a sound and efficient financial system; and meet the currency needs of the public. So, why should you care about this topic. Well if you care for a chance to grow wealth in traditional markets, you’ll need financial stability. It’s hard to make a plan with your investing without knowing the returns and the risks. Between now and when you’re ready to spend the resource you’re trying to grow now, you need to know some things will never change. Today, you’ll hear how Central Banks around the world have been looking into this space of CBDC’s for quite some time. There