Nz Everyday Investor

Bitcoin: It's No Secret / Ep 184



Cat and Christine are the hosts of ( 'It's No Secret)' - Podcast, every Tuesday - Check them out!!Bitcoin is for everyday investors, because when it's not busy completely replacing the global financial system, it's just another thing you can invest in. It shouldn't be a big deal right? While it's just another investment option, it's quite a different one. I recall watching a documentary on light a few years ago - If my memory serves, physicists don't yet agree on whether or not light is a particle of a wave. In Bitcoin circles, regulators are trying to figure out whether or not it's a currency, or a security. I think it's something entirely different, and we should all take a bit of notice to what's going on in this space. Even Satoshi Nakamoto him/her/themselves called Bitcoin a peer to peer electronic cash system - but as a medium of exchange only, Bitcoin hasn't really found it's place. It's almost as if it's showing us what it wants to become. So far we can see it's kind of like