Nz Everyday Investor

Managed Funds vs Individual Shares / Episode 181



Check out ('Concentration vs Diversification' )on YouTube.  Welcome to a special episode this week with Kristen Lunmen and Rupert Carlyon about Managed funds vs individual shares – which strategy is best? By 'spreading you eggs' over many baskets - you MAY be able to reduce some of your losses should a share market correction occur - but this may come with potentially less 'over-performance', relative to the returns of a concentrated strategy. Investing is as much about trying to grow your wealth, as it is about trying to protect your wealth.  It would be far easier if there was just one way to invest, but there isn’t. Sometimes it’s an either or type thing, but with today, it’s more about a spectrum: You may gravitate more towards managed funds if you prefer to put your faith in the compounding effect of the market, or you may gravitate towards shares, where you put your faith behind a specific company or small group of them  I think investing in managed funds and individual shar