Flying Sage Consulting

2.5 The Power Of THREE Tigers!!! Change Is In The Air. It Is Here.



January is the month of the Ox in the Chinese calendar and the last month of 2021. The Ox can be stubborn, profoundly individual, and psychic. It's quite a combo. And, we are in an Ox year; it's a double-whammy this month. Are you feeling a heightened awareness? In comes the Tiger!!! Change is in the air with THREE TIGERS!!! 2022 is the year of the Water Tiger. 2022 is a double Water Tiger in the month and year and then another Tiger in the hour-pillar. February is the month of the Tiger, and February launches the New Year in the Chinese Calendar. The Tiger is the Wood Element. Yang Wood is about action, direction, forward movement, growth, vision, seeing your path, making decisions, the birthing process, hope and more. x 3 Wood Element is a 3x energy for 2022. Everyone will be moving through change, and the birthing process. However, the chicken must fight its way out of the egg or not. Effort, struggle, and then birth. The caterpillar to the butterfly. And right now, you may feel you are in the birth