Off Script With Trish Glose

Jen Quist on finding her passion, opening restaurants and a bar called Holler House



It seems there's not a lot Jen Quist can't do. She sold real estate in San Francisco, went to culinary school in New York, opened a restaurant, closed that restaurant (a devastating yet critical moment in her life), consulted on other establishments, and then launched "Holler Hospitality". And that's just a few. She talks to Trish about growing up in the Bay area and how a growing interest in the culinary industry is what sent her to NYC for cooking school. After working on the East Coast for a few years, the Pacific Northwest was calling her home. Jen talks about the reality of the restaurant world, how it's not as dreamy as some would like it to be, and why creating a hospitality group was the perfect fit. The story behind the origin of the business' name, "Holler" could very well be a podcast on its own. *Note : about 20 minutes into this interview, after a quick check to make sure we were still recording, an audio glitch occurred, creating an echo in the audio. My sincerest apologies. Thank yo