Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted By Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Benjamin Scheuer- Marta On The Move Podcast Episode 58



Hey everybody! Big thanks to everyone who came out to see my live interview with Benjamin Scheuer, and artistic director, Tracy Brigden after the sneak peek performance of The Lion at City Theatre!  It was a wonderful evening.  I truly was not prepared to watch the show and hear Ben's story pour out of him and into each person in the audience.  My heart hurt so badly after the last song ended, and I was so worked up to go on stage and conduct the interview!  If you have not seen this show, you must.  The music is incredible, and the story makes you want to go out and live each moment of your life to the fullest.  To grab the people you love and make sure they know it, and to appreciate everything you have. You can preorder Songs From The Lion on his site before it drops June 3rd, and by doing so you get two songs instantly!  Also check out the photo book of his journey with cancer called Between Two Spaces. 50% of the proceeds go to the Leukemia Lymphoma Society.  Check out his music video for one of my favor