Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Are You Comfortable When You’re Alone?



In this day and age people have trouble being alone with themselves. With social media opening the door into our lives in new and persistent ways, we no longer have the solitary space to just be. Alone time however is necessary for growth, alignment, and joy.  Listen as Rebekah Iliff and I chat about her new book and why having the space to be alone is so important.  Rebekah is an author, speaker, and entrepreneur who has spent a lot of time alone. Between getting married a little later in life to moving frequently, she’s had time to get comfortable with herself. Then she experienced a tragedy and her need for alone time grew.  Through her grief, she authored Champagne For One which is a humorous take on why alone time is a requirement for life. When you sit in silence and spend time with yourself, oftentimes you’ll find answers to questions you’ve been asking yourself for a long time. So, do you feel comfortable when you’re alone? Or do you avoid alone time like? If you’re the latter, listen in as Rebekah sh