Profitable Farmer

Episode 90 - Success starts from within !



Some important constructs that have changed my life:  “A business will never out-grow its owner”; “If you do what you have always done, you will get what you’ve always got”; “For things to change, FIRST I must change”; “The hardest part to learning is letting go of what you think you know”; “Thoughts are things, and it is in taking control of our mind, that personal transformation can occur”; and “Work harder on yourself, than you do on your ‘JOB’”  This morning I arrive back to my farm and office, having had a week away, at a resort on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, hosting both our 2 Day TOP Producers Workshop, and then one of FOA’s Deep Dive Conferences with over 300 of our Platinum Mastermind Members.    What an event! What an incredible community. What a life-changing experience for so many farming families.    To see so many farm owners so completely engaged, so committed to their own growth, and so open to personal development and a focus on mindset mastery, was incredible.    To all o