Unusually Focused



The most expensive book I own is called "Breakthrough Advertising" by a marketing legend named Eugene Schwartz.It's a regular hardcover book. Not an overblown 'info product.' And I've seen it running anywhere between $500 and $1000 - which is a feat in and of itself.It's full of down-n-dirty marketing brilliance.But there's one concept that I have never been able to forget. It colors everything I do.It's called the '5 Stages of Customer Awareness.'It's absolutely critical to understand this if you want to get results with your marketing.A few key takeaways in this episode:The single best way to build influence over someoneHow to tailor your posts to speak to the right people at the right time.One of the biggest mistakes I see people making with their social media marketing efforts (ESPECIALLY those promoting "local" businesses.)And a bunch more.Mentioned in this episode:MoneyMoves: How to make shit happen with social mediaMagic Pixel Dust: