Power Station

I revere my ancestors and I work to bring honor to them



When Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election, Pennsylvania’s republican-led state legislature went into action, creating new barriers to voting. Ginned up by Donald Trump’s baseless claim of voter fraud, the republican majority on the Commonwealth Court successfully challenged a recent law making mail-in voting more expansive. The democratic governor and secretary of state are appealing this decision and navigating furthter attempts to suppress access to the ballot box. The partisan tug of war further alienates those who do not trust either party. Civil rights champion Kadida Kenner founded the New Pennsylvania Project to reach the 1.1million Pennsylvanians who are eligible to vote but are not registered or are not casting ballots. In a state where 27% of the population are people of color and the House and Senate are 90% white, the future is in the hands of young people and communities of color. Kadida’s team is knocking on doors and listening to what matters to potential voters. And this strategy is mo