Dr. Tommy Show

Desantis Over Mask Theater, Woke Corp Drops Mandate, Charlie Crist Chameleon, Ukraine War



Direct from the Free State we tackle the Desantis "bullying" controversy. Parents are aghast that Desantis doesn't want parents to decide whether their children wear masks....huh? Govt sources say Covid cases likely more than double than official numbers. Wow that's shocking news! Robber done in by his Nike Slave Shoes and Tik Tok. A man named Chozen gets caught after getting identified by his fancy shoes. Ukraine and the war like no other. Limited outrage, slow roll by the Vlad, and predicted weeks in advance on national TV, repeatedly. What the hell is going on in this Russia-Ukraine war? The standard bearer of Woke Corporations, Google, drops its vaccine mandate. WTH? How are we supposed to get past Covid with all these right-wing moves by companies like Google. Thankfully the unvaccinated still have to mask up, because you know if you're vaccinated....you can't get Covid? That's what Joe Biden told me. https://DoctorTommy.com/podcast