Money Matters With Wes Moss

A Retire Sooner Podcast Announcement



This podcast is an incredible labor of love from our team as we strive to help our listeners retire sooner. I'm so grateful to all of you for listening, and I’m excited for our next episode coming out on November 8th with Emily Esfahani Smith. Every day since the pandemic began, I have been on the air, coaching people through the economic roller coaster. During that time, I've also written and published a new book, and I've worked consistently to create the best content possible on this podcast, in my Atlanta Journal-Constitution column, and for my show on WSB radio. While I’ve enjoyed doing all of this, I’ve decided to take my own advice, and starting mid-November I’ll be focusing on some other core pursuits in my life for a bit. I'll be back in the spring of 2022 with some great new episodes for you here. While I might be taking a short break on the current format of the podcast, I don't want you to take a break on working towards your goal of retiring at least one year sooner. So I’m turning over the mic (