Money Matters With Wes Moss

Why Lifelong Learning Is Important, Even As An Adult with Tom Vanderbilt



When learning how to walk, infants fail up to 70 times an hour yet, they still keep trying. So why can we as adults be so afraid to fail when trying something new? As we get older and deeper into adulthood, we sometimes forget what it feels like to begin again. Inspired by his young daughter's insatiable need to know how to do almost everything, and challenged by his own rut of mid-career competence, blogger, journalist, and best-selling author, Tom Vanderbilt took a year-long journey to master five new skills. In today’s episode, Wes sits down with Tom to talk through the important lessons he learned on his journey, how to reclaim your identity by learning something new and why failing is a good thing. Tom shares how anyone can begin again--and, more important, why they should take those first awkward steps. We’re fascinated by Tom’s pursuit to continue learning new skills and hope this episode inspires you to explore your own childlike wonders in retirement. Read more about Tom’s journey in his latest bo