Uncluttered Office with Catherine Avery

Emotional Self Control, Getting Motivated, and Liar’s Poker EP: 114



Part three of three in the series about executive functions continues our focus on the last three executive functions from the workbook ‘Understand Your Brain Get More Done’ by Ari Tuckman. In this episode, I kick off with Emotional Self Control and the importance of the almighty pause. Then I journey through Self Activation before wrapping up with Hindsight and Forethought. I offer ADHD friendly strategies to deal with each so that you can get motivated, control your feelings, and make good decisions. Tune in to hear how our ADHD brains can sometimes be like toddlers or teens depending on the day and the circumstance. Links: Ari Tuckman Understand Your Brain Get More Done Edward Hallowell and John Ratey Delivered from Distraction To learn more about your host, Catherine Avery: Productivity by Design  Facebook Page and  LinkedIn  To connect with Catherine: Schedule a Call   *We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean