Uncluttered Office with Catherine Avery

Digital Detox – Part 6 of the Mini Series EP 87



Technology is a blessing and a curse. It’s wonderful because we can all reach each other all of the time. And it’s a nightmare because we call reach each other ALL of the time. I’m calling this a digital detox but I’m not telling you to throw out your phone and live in a cabin in the woods. Though the introvert in me likes occasional trips far, far away from the madding crowd. Learn some simple and realistic strategies to reduce your time in the magical land of social media. This Mini Series is 6 bite sized trainings with actionable strategies to unclutter your office space, time and information. These are just a few of the pointers I offer in my From Fog to Focus coaching program. I decided to offer this series to honor the one year anniversary of the global pandemic. Even after a year of working from home, so many people are still struggling with balancing it all. Or they’ve returned to the office and even the simplest tasks of our day to day work has changed. I’d love to know what has helped you most