Uncluttered Office with Catherine Avery

New Year’s Intentions, Living from Appreciation, and the ShiFtshow EP 71



Jennifer Sherwood and I delve deep into how to live life intentionally even, or maybe especially, in the midst of a pandemic. We’ll tell you why New Year’s Intentions fail and how to choose a word of the year.  Jennifer shares her story of celebrating her 50th birthday in a fun way that was nothing at all like she expected. We can still celebrate even if it’s different.  We also focus on what it means to live from appreciation instead of gratitude. And how maybe appreciation is a little easier than feeling grateful when the world is super crazy right now.  We wrap it all up in a bow with the ShiFtshow. I’m still figuring out what that means myself, but tune in because it’s a super cool divine download moment.  About  Jennifer Sherwood works with women who are overwhelmed, feel pulled between work and home, rarely make time for themselves and worry that this is as good as it gets. She helps them move themselves up on the priority list so can build a life they LOVE, not just tolerate. Jen has a m