Uncluttered Office with Catherine Avery

Adaptability, the Balance of the Masculine and Feminine, and Finding Your Voice Ep: 61



Nyota and I march our way through the military and how her experiences there inform her adaptability coaching. Adaptability is especially important during a crisis and we’re all living through one now.   We explored the dynamic between the masculine and the feminine, particularly as both of us spent many years primarily working with men, Nyota in the military and me in Wall Street in the nineties.  We wrapped up with discussing “The Unraveling of Captain Gordon”, Nyota’s book that she wrote in 3 weeks.  To learn more about Nyota Gordon:  Nyota Gordon is a United States Army retiree with over 22 years of active federal service that uses her leadership skills as your Adaptability Coach and Leadership Strategist at Transition365. She helps high performing veterans and everyday people to conquer their Transitions by using their hard-earned skills to find significance, meaning, and purpose and become adaptive in their personal and professional lives and create new money through part-time entrepreneursh