Uncluttered Office with Catherine Avery

StrengthsFinder, Retooling to Remain Relevant, and Your Comfort Zone Ep: 47



Catherine’s guest is Laura Prisc, a coach with a specialty in all things Human Resources. Laura and Catherine start with what it takes to upgrade our skills, especially at a time when the world is upside down. Instead of simply waiting for your company to offer you a course, we can take personal responsibility to learn the skills we enjoy that can take us to the next level. We don’t want to be tomorrow’s typing pool. They discuss StrengthsFinder, a research-based tool, that lets you know what you’re inherently great at and the areas where you don’t excel. Laura explains that you would never move your pitcher to second base because they need to get better at that position. Our success comes when we build on our strengths, instead of focusing on our weaknesses. Tune in for an amazing take on this unusual time and learn how we can become better people both in business and life. To learn more about Laura Prisc -   Laura Prisc has a burning desire to awaken you so you may live a more creative, fulfilling, and