Uncluttered Office with Catherine Avery

Cyber Risk, Information Verification, and Your Pet’s Name Is Not Your Password Ep: 39



Discussing cyber risk and your technology, today’s guest is Ann Marie Van den Hurk of Mind the Gap Cyber.   Ann Marie describes cyber risk, cyber crime and cyber insurance. She gives her 3 favorite easy strategies to help prevent a cyber breach. And she details the consequences of a cyber breach. They’re terrifying enough to a small business that you’ll be implementing these strategies today!   Tune in to learn these simple strategies to reduce the chance of your business and personal information being attacked!   To learn more about Ann Marie Van Den Hurk:   My mission is to make it harder for cybercriminals to attack your business. In founding Mind The Gap Cyber, I combine all of my professional and educational experiences into fighting cybercrime by working with companies to understand their cyber risk then implement a cybersecurity program.   Mind the Gap Cyber   To learn more about your host, Catherine Avery:   Productivity by Design Facebook Page and LinkedIn To connect with Catherine: http://bit.ly/Sch