Grey Matters Now

Episode 36: Breathe Well to be Well / Breathing Your Mind Home to Your Body and Into the Extraordinary with Reis Paluso /Breathwork coach and facilitator, certified Wim Hof Method instructor and co-founder of Our Breath Collective



One common tool in everyones wellness, healing and navigation toolbox and mentioned in every podcast episode is breath.  Yes - we need breath to exist, but we also need it to live and thrive.  Whether we feel stuck, paralyzed, escalated or ungrounded by the weight of the world or everyday challenges, breathing is our vehicle to navigate forward. Our breath is a powerful and exciting tool that can take us many more places than just forward.  A guide and expert can show us how to utilize this tool we carry with us everywhere, to unlock new spaces and experiences. As a surfer, husband, father of two young girls, and an owner of two start-up businesses, Reis Paluso found himself searching for a way to maintain balance in life. By making a mind-body connection through the Wim Hof Method and summiting mountains in sub-zero temperatures wearing only shorts he began on a journey of unlocking his true potential and found the capacity to dig in just that much deeper into the things he is passionate about. After some ex