Tj Morris Et Radio

Michael Macintosh Futurist "TIme Traveler" on Life & Death



Michael will return on various topics helping us build our future in cyberspace culture. TJ Morris Agency has shared TJ Morris ET Radio since June 3, 2012. Michael Macintosh born August 27, 1974 in Boston, MA is a futurist and has time traveled as a multi-dimensional soul. Michael says our body is our soul but we also have life force  soul and spirit. He is a musician and shares signs of the times, He writes his own music and will discuss computers, souls and ways to share VPN and indeed the world. People who track phone numbers and location trackers are all sharing history of government agencies during the political times we are in. Michael likes being elusive while being a time traveler.  Michael as a time traveler has lots of experiences and researches history. TJ Morris ET Radio shares mysteries and near death experiencers, with emphasis in our UAP Associates, Aleinology, Ufology, paranormal and exopolitics.Michael has various topics of conversation to expand our awareness in cyberspace culture linguistic