Borne The Battle

#272 Bad Robot Productions, NFTs and Wushu w/ Navy Veteran Andrew Bliss



Navy Veteran Andrew Bliss always wanted to work in the video production industry, but his journey wasn't straightforward. Before serving in the military, Bliss was an accomplished professional martial artist with over 10 years of experience coaching and mentoring students. Working as a martial artist eventually led him to the military.In the interview, Bliss talks about serving six years as a Navy broadcast journalist in Combat Camera at the Pentagon and his time directing and producing a feature film while on active duty in Italy before leaving the service.After creating a comfortable life for himself as a civilian, Bliss made the uncomfortable decision to sell all of his belongings, buy a motorcycle and make the long journey across America to the west coast. Bliss talks about why he chose not to take a differnet path to pursue his dream of working in the entertainment industry.Bliss discusses how he leapt from doing freelance and independent work to fulfilling his dream of working for a major entertainment