Hometown Marketing With Elian Tyson

Season 2, Episode 1 - 4 Actions to bring you closer to your goals



Running a business can be trying, especially for entrepreneurs. Day-to-day challenges can provide lots of obstacles, but putting these tips into place can be a real game changer! Elian Tyson walks you through 4 powerful strategies to control as much as you can and improve your business. Learn about: - What one tool you can use on a daily (and moment-by-moment basis to keep you focused). - An approach outside of just knocking out tasks. - My magical approach for getting work done in the best way possible. - The factor that you have to put into place to have harmony and flow. Helpful links: Book a Marketing Review Strategy Session – Elian’s free gift for you: https://highimpactbusiness.com/go/marketing-strategy-session/ Elian’s Entrepreneur Community on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/hibonlinemarketingsuccess #productivity #podcast #womenentrepreneur Be sure to not miss an upcoming episode! More information at https://highimpactbusiness.com/podcast