Content Matters

Hilary Marsh: Defining & Operationalizing Content Strategy



There is so much to understand about content strategy, and Hilary Marsh, Chief Strategist of The Content Company joined us on the Content Matters podcast to talk about some areas that are not as widely discussed.  The focus for our talk was more on content strategy for intranets and for companies where content is their primary offering (like associations and non-profits) but you could apply much of what Hilary shared to all content strategy work.  Key topics included how content strategy has evolved, what organizations are doing well and not so well and much more, including: How to think about content as an investment. How content strategy for an intranet is different from content strategy for a website (or isn’t). Why content strategy is an HR issue and needs to be a part of everyone’s work. How to operationalize content strategy. How content management technology supports content strategy. The audience engagement journey (you have to listen to learn what this is).  About Hilary Hilary Marsh is president a