Nz Everyday Investor

Inflation: A Thief in the Night? Ep 227



Raising or lowering the interest rates to combat inflation, may soon be a relic of the past. What am I talking about? I believe at some stage quite soon (like in the next 2-5 years), we’re going to see central bank issued digital currencies. If you’d like to check out an episode I did on this with the RBNZ, check out ep 185: ( Central bank issued digital currencies or CBDC’s will be a game-changer in so many ways, especially when it comes to targeting inflation. When a centralised authority has the power to influence the spending behavior at the individual level – it then becomes possible to manipulate the price of goods and services at the point of use. Don’t think this is significant? What happens to the property market when interest rates don’t need to move in response to changing economic activity? What happens to share markets when interest rates don’t compe