Uncluttered Office with Catherine Avery

Yoga for ADHD and Trauma, Healing, and Our Five Layers EP 132



My guest, Kathy Casa is the expert on mindfulness practice. We start which strategies can help rewire the brain to alleviate some of the behaviors that can be concurrent with ADHD and chronic stress. She offers simple and accessible strategies to help that you can do right at home. Even a video on YouTube for a short morning meditation can set your day up for success. Kathy explains how exercise helps the endorphins in brain but with yoga you’re incorporating your breath. Even 20 minutes can move you from a stress response to a rest response. And the five layers of human beings from the yoga perspective and how we need to heal on every part of our being. We discuss the tools outside of medication, including somatic transcendence, that can help you reset and heal. About Kathy Casa Kathy is a transformational coach, wellness mentor and RYT-500 yoga teacher who specializes in yoga, mindfulness and breathing techniques as supportive neuro-psychosocial and physical therapies for states of imbalance such as C-PTSD,