Dr. Tommy Show

DeSantis For the People, Airlines Over Covid, Fauci, SCOTUS, The Virtues of Colorblindness



Free State Gov. Ron DeSantis signs bill requiring some level of financial literacy to graduate high school in Florida. Also the "Don't Groom Kids" bill moves forward despite howls of protest from the left. Airlines send Biden a letter saying, "Let's get over this Covid crap rules" in essence. As Govt and Big Business moves away from their Covid fixation, Dr. Fauci arises, like a groundhog, from his burrow to predict....no more Covid surges. Which of course means to regular people, Expect More Covid Surges because he is generally wrong about everything Covid. Don't believe me, just ask Dr. Rand Paul who we also discuss. SCOTUS nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson faces questions about her light sentencing of child porn offenders by....a white senator. Is this racist? Well first we have to look back and say was it racist when then Sen. Joseph R. Biden did it to Bush nominees? What is the importance of skin color, sexual organs, and sexual habits in determining a person's character. Dr. Tommy weighs in. DoctorTommy