Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

Sub2 Deals with William Tingle (Episode #364)



In this episode, we are joined by William Tingle.  William Tingle is the Creator of & Host of The Sub2Deals Show Podcast.  He is a nationally-known real estate investor, investing coach, author, and public speaker.  William had worked in the restaurant business for almost 20 years when in 1999, he ordered a Carleton Sheets Nothing Down course off of a late-night TV infomercial. He read it and took a $5000 advance from a credit card to start his real estate investing career. Exactly one year later he quit his job for good, paid the credit card off, and has to this day never used a penny of his own money for investing. For over 10 years he operated a real estate business where he wholesaled and rehabbed numerous properties each year but found his real niche in what he calls “Sub2”, buying subject to existing financing. To date, he has taken the deed on over 500 properties, and even though he “retired” in Belize in 2010, he still continues to buy 20 to 25 properties a year in this manner in sel