Hazel & Katniss & Harry & Starr

Scott Pilgrim



Brenna and Joe dive headfirst into the graphic novel universe of Bryan Lee O’Malley’s Scott Pilgrim, its toxic masculinity and its Maple-soaked Canadian identity. A text to film comparison with Edgar Wright's adaptation reveals that some problems persist in both mediums, but - mores than any other text thus far - this is the one that reveals how far YALit has changed in just a short span of 8-9 years. Strap yourselves in folks…’cause we’re calling out the fanboys and the haters!Plus: Brenna recommends Netflix comedy Atypical, in conjunction with the hashtag that problematizes the show (#ActuallyAutistic) while Joe fails, then salvages his homework assignment with post-holiday YA book, The Afterlife of Holly Chase.If you want to connect with the show, use #HKHSPod on Twitter:Brenna: @brennacgrayJoe: @bstolemyremoteOr send us an email at hkhspod@gmail.com. See you on the page and on the screen! See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.