Nz Everyday Investor

0.5% Hike for inflation - what about DEFLATION? / News of the Money-World, Ep 28



Welcome to a bonus series, in partnership with Koura Wealth, your digital KiwiSaver provider. The NZ Everyday Investor is proud to present, News of The Money-World, a show about what’s happening in the finance world and how that affects you, the everyday Kiwi. Globalisation leading to increased interdependency / Complacency / War / Pandemics / Supply chain and labor shortages / Inflation / Interest rate hikes / Economic crash / Deflation. This is the cycle we've seen before, around the time of WW1 to be exact - are we seeing a repeat or will it be different this time around? ____________________________________________________ Hey! Like what you've heard today? I'm on a mission to help improve levels of wealth for everyday Kiwi's. After all, it's good to build wealth...right? Here's some ways you can get alongside the NZ Everyday Investor - no pressure, but I'd appreciate any help you could offer: Use the following referral/affiliate links Hatch: $10 for you, an