Real Talk With Rachael Podcast

Talk Therapy: Jesus & Therapy Series - Jesus Retreated



This month our Talk Therapy series focus is on Jesus and therapy. Why Jesus and therapy? Because nothing changes without Him. He shows me things only He can see. He takes us places only He knows to go. Last week, we discussed how Jesus felt. Jesus would often retreat to a quiet place to be alone and pray. This week we are looking at how and why He retreated. We live in a world that does not give us natural pauses to retreat so we must be intentional about this practice. I think Jesus was always retreating not just for the rest, but to hear His Father. He had many people giving their opinions on where He should go and what He should do next. He had to be intentional about aligning his mission, and values with the Father. We must first retreat to be refueled before we can charge into what God has in store for us. But how do we know what He wants us to do? We follow the values He has planted in our hearts. Be sure to download the values worksheet and use it to retreat this week. Resources mentioned: Retreat in O