Thoth-hermes Podcast

S8-Special Episode 1 – Happy Anniversary Thoth Hermes-Lionel Snell-Carl Abrahamsson



This is the very special Anniversary episode for the 5th Anniversary of the first launch of an episode on our show. Back on April 20th 2017 it was Alan Richardson who was my guest.Without evening mentioning that in the interview, you will see that Lionel Snell, also known under his pen name Ramsey Dukes, is a very special person, brilliant, with a lot of humour, always ahead of this time. The way how he explains the four levels in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, comparing that to the computer world, is unique and only one example of the great things you will find in this interview.At my side is Carl Abrahamsson; for this is the second so-called "TRIO-episode", where I invite a former guest to be my co-host for once, and Carl made the wonderful suggestion to invite Lionel. And Carl was a perfect co-host in all ways. 
All of this makes this a worthy Anniversary celebration.
Thank you to all listeners, guests and musicians who have contributed to wonderful five years!