Dr. Tommy Show

Rabid DC Fox, Gun Control Theatre, Teen Mental Health Not Good, Ditching College, Woke College Fail



There was a fox running wild in DC biting people. Now it is learned the fox had rabies. What you need to know. Joe Biden pushes gun control laws following Sacramento shooting. Only problem is he is pushing laws that ALREADY EXIST THERE. They always do this. CDC says teen mental health in decline due to lockdowns, Covid, etc. They do not say what part they had to play in it though. Fauci reverses course, says there will be a surge in the fall. That means obviously there won't be a surge because he is wrong so often. But then again a couple of weeks ago he was saying there WOULD NOT be a surge, so who knows with this guy. Stay tuned. Is college worth it? College enrollment is down 21.7 percent. That is probably a good thing. More people need to be learning a trade rather than a BS in BS. Oberlin College has to pay millions for defaming a bakery, calling it a racist bakery. There is some justice in this world. DoctorTommy.com/podcast