Borne The Battle

#275 Benefits Breakdown, Office of Harassment and Assault Prevention



This week’s Borne the Battle–a benefits breakdown—features the Office of Harassment and Assault Prevention. The office’s goal is simple: All those who visit a VA facility should be treated with dignity and respect.However, recognizing how harassment or assault can manifest and what you can do to combat it may be less simple.Lelia Jackson, Marine Corp Veteran and director of the Office of Harassment and Assault, joins this week’s episode of Borne the Battle to discuss some difficult and even uncomfortable topics related to sexual harassment and assault. Topics include: Listening to some first-hand accounts of Veterans being sexually harassed or assaulted to show how hostile situations can manifest and how the victim feels in the moment. The cultural and generational influences that limit how some Veterans understand sexual harassment and assault and how to help them expand their worldviews. The different ways Veterans can combat sexual harassment and assault. Jackson firmly believes that the path to eliminatin