Overcoming Narcissism With Olivia

E16: Am I going to be ok?



Some questions you may be asking yourself right now are; will I ever be ok again? Am I going to be alright? Will I ever feel like myself again? Will I ever be happy again?   These were just a small portion of the questions swirling around in my brain for ages, while i was going through my healing journey - and I'm here today to address them, provide some words of comfort and reassurance. Everything's going to be ok! Okurrr?! *winky face* I got your back, girl!   If you're interested in investing in yourself, moving yourself forward, then feel free to reach out to me to join my AMAZING 6 week online program launching Oct 2019! Would love to have you join me and the other ladies! See you on the other side, Sistafriend! Olivia x