Bellingham Podcast

Ep. 169 "Emailing like it's 2021?" pt. 2 #tech



Part 2...*Be a better Sender:** Use BCC for large lists of addressees to avoid the dreaded mega-thread, and to protect users’ addresses from being known by others* Summarize your request or communication in a few sentences at the top instead of making people read through the entire mega-thread* Three Sentences ( - from 2012* Maximum two apologies for taking up someone’s time* It’s 2020. Stop asking, “Did you get my email?” Start asking, “May I get a response from you within 48 or 72 hours?” * Email is really an asynchronous tool; so when trying to get a response to NOT use it to get something you need with a quick turn around...because the person on the other end might be tied up with other things. “I need this by tomorrow”....and you send it at 3pm- you shall be burned at the stake in my book* Re-evaluate your signature and just how much information you are blasting to people. With. Ev