Bellingham Podcast

Ep. 163 "The Quarantine Chronicles" vol. 13



Chris is back from traveling in the Covid-era, and with it he has new perspectives on our home of the PNW and how travel is with a pandemic. AJ's been tinkering and adventuring, and has a few tips for those parents who are trying to balance screen time with outdoor time. Travel in the Covid era...* I-5 Traffic = Smooth we wish it would be in normal times* Sea-Tac TSA = Masks required EVERYWHERE....six-minute wait to get through the cattleherd* Alaska Air = Prohibited middle seat reservations, more elbow room, masks required for the duration of the flight* Sea-Tac train/shuttle from arrival gate to baggage claim - Sardines. PSA - it’s a three-minute wait for the next train!Local-ish and new in the PNW WFH era*Chris: ** August BuyNothing update - Impulse buy journal* Tech Compartmentalization * One web browser for work-related sites * One web browser for non-work sites * Copy/Paste fest from one Notes repository to another * Diligent editing in Bookmark Manager - Eliminate all th