Bellingham Podcast

Ep. 149 "The Quarantine Chronicles" Vol.1



Observations around Bellingham since Covid* “Nobody on the road, nobody on the beach...I feel it in the air, people are out of reach. Empty stores, empty streets, the sun goes down alone....”* More people are waving hi and smiling - from a safe distance* Less complaining while waiting in grocery store lines. More acceptance of the situation?* Home improvement stores are bustling * so many people out walking* So much more social media- if thats you- just use it for good yo!* Store shelves can look bleak at times- remember your neighbors as you shop yo! Some family's have allergies Things we are doing to get work done* Dressing for the workday like I’m still heading into the office.* Closing the door to my new office in the guest room to limit family distractions. I’m in work mode. DND.* Fighting my lizard brain: “I’m going to give eight hours of 100%” Not expecting to accomplish superhu