Bellingham Podcast

Ep. 146 "Stress'n"



On this episode, AJ and Chris go a little personal and talk about stress. Both of them are fighting terrible chest colds so don't adjust your radio, AJ's vocal range is an octave lower, and Chris is the human manifestation of bass. Listener shutouts :* Shout out to newly launched Zulu Time Podcast 🇬🇧* Mention on Two Broke Watch Snobs. Ep 162 “Instagram trends that need to die”*AJ & Chris’s personal notes*-AJ been dealing with some stress within the family, seeing good colleagues have to seek medical help caused by stress. Been a rough winter. -Chris has reached a level of patience, understanding, empathy, and grace in dealing with clients at their worst, but it erodes.-CanvasInsider.Blog and podcast, episode 009 just hit the airwaves*So what actually IS stress (*“Stress is a feeling o