Bellingham Podcast

Ep. 105 Finding Digital Hygge? #tech



We are back from holiday! Be sure to check out the January Edition of Bellingham Alive- you might want to check out their "Fave Five." On this episode: What Digital Hygge is and isn't, and for $100,000 Lifewater dollars would giving up your smartphone help you find it? Chris' took on the non smartphone phone long did he last with a non-smartphone and what effects did it have on him? Find out this and more on this inaugural 2019 episode. Recap of Hygge (Hue-guh): A Danish term describing “...a feeling of cozy contentment and well-being through enjoying the simple things in life.” Digital Hygge - How can we increase comfort with our computers, our phones, our tablets?Social Media everywhere?Cancel Subscription creepEliminate Notifications except for VIPsDelete apps you aren't using on your phone. You can always reinstall them.* on iOS you can Offload Unused Apps to Cloud feature Organize apps - frequently used, or one menu for all?Email - Archive everything before January 1. Still